Monday, 27 April 2015

Mejl od Judy Gasul, corki Benjamina

Hi Aleksandra,
My name is Judy Gasul Simon and I am the youngest daughter of Benjamin Gasul. I was born in '39 the year that my Dad took that photo. Several years ago, I was going through papers and films belonging to my parents. I didn't have a way to play the films and I don't know why, but something told me to send the films to the United States Holocaust Museum. My sisters and I were so happy to learn the content of the films. I had told Lindsay that I was always hoping that someone would recognize a parent, child or friend and we were all so happy when we heard that you had discovered your father in our Dad's film. We wish you the best of luck as you continue your search for your family history.
Przyszedl do mnie dzis w nocy :)

Nazywam sie Judy Gasul Simon i jestem najmlodsza corka Benjamina Gasula,. Urodzilam sie w 1939, w roku kiedy moj Tato zrobil te zdjecia. Kilka lat temu przegladalam rzeczy nalezace do moich rodzicow. Nie mialam mozliwosci odtworzenia tych filmow, i nie wiem dlaczego ale cos mi mowilo by wyslac je do Muzeum Holocaustu. Moje siostry i ja bylysmy szczesliwe kiedy nam powiedziano co sie znajduje na filmie. Powiedzialam Lindsay (pani ktora jest ze mna w kontakcie- Ola), ze zawsze mialam nadzieje, ze ktos rozpozna rodzica, dziecko lub przyjaciela- bylysmy szczesliwe kiedy uslyszalysmy, ze odkrylas swojego tate na filmie naszego taty. Zyczymy ci szczescia w poszukwaniach.